
Software Developer Interviews Suck

February 27, 2017

Interviewing for a software engineering role is more onerous than interviewing for any other profession. Interviewing for most non-software professional jobs typically consists of a phone screen and one to two interviews on site, where you talk about what you did in previous jobs. At no point during are you asked to demonstrate any skills, you’re trusted as an adult that you’re telling the truth about your experience and qualifications. ...

Development Process

October 10, 2014
article, meta, process

I highly recommend having a read through this talk: Move Fast and Break Nothing. There are some great ideas in it on continuous development, testing, communication and learning/teaching on the job. Well worth the time to read through and think about whether you can apply some of the points in it to your work. A note about this blog: I’m going to try and get into a more regular cadence of posts. ...