
Postgres Full Text Search Tutorial

October 21, 2014
article, database, postgres

Today’s linked article gives a very in depth introduction to doing full text search in Postgres. The author demonstrates everything with numerous code examples. Their assertion is that for smaller projects, postgres provides all the features you need and you won’t require a more specialized search system. February 2022 updated: I replaced the original link with the Wayback Machine due to the original website no longer existing.

Setting the time zone in C#.NET

April 3, 2014
.NET, C#, database, DateTime, Timezone, UTC

DateTimes in .NET are always in one of two timezones - UTC or local time. This advice will make your life easier: Always store DateTimes in UTC. Unfortunately sometimes we need to deal with timezones stored in a timezone other than UTC. Maybe we’ve inherited a system or we’re integrating with another system which doesn’t save as UTC. If your web server and database server are both in the same timezone and the DateTime is stored in the server’s local timezone then everything is still OK. ...